Tight booty ladyboy

I think that we all know that a Ladyboy is Asian. Some are asian mix. But for the most part they all share a few traits. And one of those main things is the majority of them are small in most ways. Stature that is. And a tight booty ladyboy is actually a more common thing than you might imagine.

Ladyboys tend to be smaller than most asians and they all tend to have a tight booty. Some of them on the other hand have big asses and those are usually the girls that have had wayyy to much surgery! At least in my opinion.

To me, and a lot of you guys here. There is nothing like a petite asian ladyboy with a tight booty. Of course add in some big tits and a big cock and that makes her all the sexier to look at and have fun with. I guess it all does come down to tastes but if you surf this site often then I am guessing that you like what I share here.

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Tight booty Ladyboy

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Author: admin